What if that voice keeping you up at 3 AM isn't actually yours?
You know the one...whispering you're not doing enough, not good enough, always one mistake away from everything falling apart...What if we told you that you weren't born with that voice? That constant knot in your stomach when you're about to speak your truth? The racing thoughts when you consider putting yourself first? The overwhelming need to check your phone for validation? None of this is natural. You were programmed for it. And we are living proof that you can break free.
You're invited to join our FREE LIVE 60-minute Masterclass where we expose the truth: You weren't born questioning yourself. You were programmed to doubt your power – and it's time to burn that programming to the ground.
This isn't another "just breathe and journal" anxiety workshop. This is your portal to understanding the conspiracy against your confidence and the exact framework to reclaim your divine feminine power.
Note: This masterclass isn't available anywhere else and is exclusively for women ready to break free from the anxiety programming.

Let's get real about anxiety for a second...
That feeling when you're about to set a boundary and your heart races like you're about to jump off a cliff? The way you rehearse conversations in your head 50 times before having them? The constant people-pleasing that leaves you resentful and exhausted?
This isn't who you are. This is who you were trained to be.

This is for you if...
⚡️ You're tired of drowning in self-doubt and second-guessing every decision
⚡️ Your anxiety feels like a constant companion you can't shake
⚡️ You've done all the "right things" but still feel stuck in the same patterns
⚡️ You're exhausted from trying to control everything
⚡️ You feel your throat tighten and heart race every time you try to speak your truth
⚡️ You lie awake at night replaying conversations and worrying what others think of you
⚡️ You know you're meant for more, but something keeps holding you back
⚡️ You're ready for the raw truth, not more spiritual bypassing

✨Daily Poison: How social media, news cycles, and even your diet are deliberately programming you to doubt yourself and stay stuck in anxiety
✨Energy Thieves: The relationships secretly draining your power and keeping you playing small to make others comfortable
✨Wounded Girl: The childhood moments where you first learned to abandon yourself and silence your truth
✨Trust Destruction: The self-betrayal pattern of knowing what's right for you but choosing what others want instead
✨Family Chains: The unspoken family rules and loyalty bonds that make you feel guilty every time you choose yourself
We are Cam & Amber
Your Guides to Embodied Empowerment
We've helped countless women heal from anxiety, self-doubt, and the deep-seated programming that keeps them playing small. As certified healers and coaches with years of experience in inner child work, embodiment, and frequency attunement, we bring a powerful humanist approach to feminine empowerment.
Our clients describe transformations from feeling like "zombies" – frozen in anxiety and constantly seeking external validation – to embodying their sovereignty and radiating confidence.
We believe your anxiety isn't a flaw – it's the voice of your power trying to break free from social conditioning. And we're here to help you listen.
Love and LVX,
Cam Kashani, SSD "The Spiritual Surgeon" & Amber Mahoney, MA